Nous aidons les familles et ami(e)s à honorer la mémoire des êtres chers
Granby funeral complex
Both large and warm, the funerary complex LeSieur is most welcoming with its full range of services unmatched always at comparable prices.
Business hours

Funeral complex & Offices
From Monday to Friday
9 h to 17 h
Ring at the main entrance, a person will respond.

Every day of the week
7 h to 22 h
Ring at the main entrance, a person will respond.


LeSieur Funeral Complex
60 boul. Pie IX
Granby, Québec
Canada, J2G 9G9

T: 450 777-1414
T: 1 888 367-8471 (free)
F: 450 777-0999

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