Nous aidons les familles et ami(e)s à honorer la mémoire des êtres chers


M. Guy Bernard 1948-2024

  À Granby, le 11 décembre 2024, à l’âge de...

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M. Stephen Gregory 1958-2024

  À St-Hyacinthe, le 9 décembre 2024, à l’âge...

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M. Jacques (Jacques-Marc) Beaudoin 1951-2024

À l’Hôpital St-François d’Assise de Québec...

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Cremation without fire

Aquamation an alternative to cremation.

It is water rather than the fire which is used to return the body to Mother Nature.

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LeSieur honored the memory of my husband in an exceptional way. In addition, they accompanied me throughout the same arrangements with all government papers.

– Miss Huguette Beauchemin, Granby –

Our history

For the fourth generation the Complexe Funeraire LeSieur has been innovating to offer you the best service possible in a warm and comforting surrounding with an attentive team who always has time for you

We offer all services under one roof and our modern facilities in Granby and Waterloo can accommodate many people.

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Contact Us

Complexe funéraire Le Sieur
60 boul. Pie IX
Granby, Qc
J2G 9G9

T: 450 777-1414
T: 1 888 367-8471 (toll free)
F: 450 777-0999

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